Leak Search also sells a range of leak detection and utility location equipment, such as Access Detection, Rycom, Sewerin, Impulse Radar, PinpointR model, a Swedish made GPR, the latest & top selling in the USA, dual aerial ground penetrating radar system, easy to lift and fast to activate GPR and provides training in leak detection, GPR and EMF systems. Check out our Sale/Hire page for more information.

Operating through Australia, available 24 hours a day 365 days per year, call Leak Search when it needs to be done right the first time.
Commercial Services?
Business/Corporate Services

Market Leaders in Western Australia with a high genuine success rate above 95%. Over 20 years of experience guarantees the best chance of success.

We maintain a comprehensive inventory of the latest equipment & employ up to date methodologies for interrogating water loss. We regularly work in all areas of Western Australia.

A summary of what we offer.

Utilities [ALC] active leakage control surveys

Government and Schools

Mining Companies

Commercial Shopping Centres

Remote Communities

Water Mains and Fire Mains

Sewer Rising Mains

Gas and tracer gas detection

CCTV and GPR Inspection

Concrete Scanning available

EMF Location of utilities

Correlation and Hydrophones Technology

Thermal Scanning Technology

Flow & Pressure Logging

Bore Field Investigations

Reinforcing Bars and Void Detection

Home Services?

We maintain a wide, diverse range of equipment for fast water leak location on domestic water services

Acoustic leak detection

Gas leak detection

Thermal leak detection

Tracer gas leak detection for micro water leaks

EMF & GPR service location of metallic & non-metallic services.

CCTV investigations

Gas and tracer gas detection

CCTV and GPR Inspection

Roof leaks & unexplained water ingress into buildings

Eftpos available - Visa - MasterCard - American Express [payment required on completion of work]

Note: No repairs are undertaken, we offer a location service only, many of our client are plumbers.

Using the highest quality leak detection equipment, Leak Search are the experts in finding gas and liquid leaks in the smallest pipes to major trunk mains and sewerage piping. With ground penetrating radar and a range of acoustic, thermal, infrared and moisture detectors, not only can thorough leak surveys be carried out for water loss management, but ground utilities can be also be detected before commencing any excavation work.

Leak Search also sells a range of leak detection and utility location equipment, such as Access Detection, Rycom, Sewerin and Impulse Radar Pinpointr the latest in twin aerial Swedish made GPR systems, and provides training in leak detection, GPR and EMF systems. Check out our Sale/Hire page for more information.

Operating through Australia, available 24 hours a day 365 days per year, call Leak Search when it needs to be done right the first time.


We can give you the knowlege to become a Leak Detection Specialist

Training sessions with Mark.

Mark Quartermaine Water Loss Technician, Trainer.  I can teach you to become proficient in finding leaks.
Walk this way with Mark Quartermaine, to start the utility location & leak detection journey.  Learn how to combine methodologies and work in different directions to prove the leak location, by more than one method.  This will increase, your success rate.
Mark Quartermaine based in Western Australia started in commercial plumbing 35 years ago and has continued to grow his expertise, as a commercial supervisor, commercial contracts administrator, commercial estimator, continually seeking new ideas and developing knowledge.  For the past 20 years I have been carrying out commercial water loss investigations.
About 9 years ago I met with Anthony Johnstone at the inaugural Australian Standards building in Sydney.  This was when an Aust. Standard was being developed for utility location, in Australia.
I had been involved in Active Leak Control surveys, with various water utilities in Western Australia, for the 10 years prior to meeting Anthony Johnstone from
AccessDetection.  I had been travelling to all areas from the Esperance in the south, to Derby in the north and all areas in between.  Helping to save millions of litres of lost Non-Revenue Water annually. 

Also, my leak detection work & training journey, took me to NSW, Queensland, Northern Territory, Victoria working for various water utilities.  I have been actively involved in commercial leak detection, on mine sites, salt, iron ore, gold and nickel, work camps, desalination plants, fire systems, hospitals and schools.  Having worked for the biggest companies in Australia, with a high level of safety implementation, combined with a high success rate, using multiple methodologies.
Training (Module One)
2 Hour's duration

If you can not find the pipe, how can you find the leak?

How to identify the service pathway if you can not identify the pipe location you are just randomly searching for the leak location.

Introduction into electromagnetic field [EMF] locating.

Introduction into electromagnetic field [EMF] locating.

Types of equipment used, EMF locator, Acoustic Thumpers, Traceable rods, Sondes, infra-red & GPR.

Training (Module Two)
2 Hour's duration

Check list for leak detection.

How to adjust the methodology to suit the application [not all leaks are created equally]

Introduction to Acoustic methodology, Acoustic is one of the quickest methods of leak detection after observation.

Introduction to thermal, infra-red [IR] leak detection.

Training (Module Three)
2 Hour's duration

Commercial Leak Detection [module one & two should be completed prior to module three]

Administering compressed air [78% N2 21% O]

Administering Tracer Gas [95% N2 5% H2]

Combining methodologies to pinpoint the leak.

Safety in administering pressurised gas.

To measure is to know

A key misconception amongst many leak detection proponents is that utility location and measurement of water loss and static head are not all intrinsically related.

I have taken my training service to another level by providing a training ground with simulated leaks.  Combined with a multi-layer approach of learning using a Power Point presentation with notes supplied. Combined with free on the phone support after completing the 3 modules.

Learn how to conduct leak detection in WA, with proven methodologies.
Learn how to combine methodologies, to improve your success, remember not all leaks are created equally. Many operatives fail to understand this and give up the journey.


1/915 Cockburn Rd, Henderson WA 6166